Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Discovering Just how To Play Using The Number System...

As beat maker, periodically you can hear the proper chord to go along with the beat in your head. You understand what you wish it to sound like however you will want to pluck around and locate that precise chord. This can be annoying and counter productive. Knowledgeable music producers almost have this kind of situation puzzled out but, for the novice and intermediate record producer, this is often difficult. However, you will find there's all to easy to learn technique of making it a whole lot simpler to find the notes and chords you would like to play in a track or beat. It is named "The Number System".

One thing you have to learn before you implement the number system is all seven of the major and minor scales. This is simply not hard to do with some practice you will learn them right away. Knowing your major and minor scales, you simply count the notes inside each individual scale. For illustration, in the C major scale... C is #1, D is #2, E is #3... and so on. After that, use the web and obtain a chord leading reference chart and memorize it. The number system provides a reference to which chords probably will go together. Notice the 2, the 3, the 6, and the 7. These are the numbers that will vary from major to minor or from minor to major or to a diminished chord. Such as, in a minor scale, every one of the chords really should be minor right? No! They're not all minor chords. The 2 turns into a diminished chord , the 3 becomes a major chord, the 6 turns into a major chord additionally, the 7 turns into a major chord. In a major scale, the 2 is a minor chord, the 3 is actually a minor chord, the 6 is a minor chord and the 7 is a diminished chord.

The chord leading refernce chart shows you that a 1 chord can lead to any number within the scale 1-7. It also lets us know that 1 most typically leads to both the 5 chord or even the 4 chord. Just remember this little tip... Almost 95% of the time, you will head back to the 1 chord from either 4, 5 or 7. This is what some of us music artists call "bringing it home". Many chord progreessions are only three to four chords in any sequence. Sometimes you have 5 or 6 or even more various chords inside a chord progression however this is not typical in hip hop or R&B beat maker chord progressions. That is certainly more prevalent in gospel music and ballads.

Therefore, be taught your scales! This is actually the 1st step to getting out of the dark when you are creating your instrumentals. Music is centred on the scales. Each and every note you play on an instrument belongs to a certain scale and 99.9% of the time will only sound nice with other notes in that very same scale. Whether it is major, minor, harmonic, blues... no matter what.

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